In order to ensure a level playing field in the HotelTechAwards, all competitors receive 10 x free case studies on HotelTechReport. Please make sure to read all terms and conditions before making a submission.
Below you'll find how this process works.
Publish 10 case studies on HotelTechReport between October 1 and October 31st
Complete the case study refund request form once for each case study
Choose your refund method: a) original payment method b) lead credit c) posting credit
Terms & Conditions:
In order to be eligible for the refund, case studies must be published between 10/1 and 10/31
No refunds will be accepted for applications after October 31st. Our community moderation team will do one "pass" at submissions on November 1st
Our team will review up to 10 submissions from your company. If one or multiple submissions do not meet eligibility criteria they will still count towards your allocated budget but no refund will be given.
If your company submits >10 applications our team will review the first 10 chronologically and ignore any others regardless of eligibility.
Refunds will be made in full when opting for lead credit or posting credits; however, there will be an 8% processing fee to cover Stripe charges (refunds are charged 4% both ways by Stripe unfortunately for pinging banking servers 2x) if a vendor selects to refund the original payment method.