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Sample Nurture Sequence Emails
Updated over a year ago


  • Treat Leads as MQLs. Best practice is to treat all leads generated by HTR as MQLs that you drop into an automated nurture sequence that is instant and trackable

  • Automate Your Follow-up Based on Lead Type. We recommend creating two primary MQL funnels, one for Direct Leads (price quotes/demo requests) and one for Matched Leads (quiz recommendations)

  • Follow Best Practices to Boost Conversion. Below we have included recommended sequences with tips, triggers and templates to help you save time and follow best practices when you are setting up your nurture sequences for the first time

  • Optimize Over Time. Nurture sequences are meant to be optimized over time to find what works best for your company on your leads. The provided templates are intended as a blueprint to help you save time and go live quickly but for the best results, you should monitor and optimize your marketing funnel sequences at least once a quarter.

Direct Leads: Nurture Sequence Tips & Examples

Email #1: Initial Outreach


When a new lead comes in via HTR that places a price quote or demo request from your company that your team accepts manually or via Instant Connect


This is the first outreach email that is sent to leads when they get accepted on HTR and dropped into your nurture sequence


  • Introduce with context

  • Make it feel like a personal 1-to-1 email (not mass marketing)

  • Use a branded footer with your face to build trust

  • Use helpful messaging

  • Don’t sell with features, sell with benefits (metrics, expected results, etc)

  • Leverage social proof to build trust

  • Keep it short and skimable

  • Include a lead magnet in your PS

Example Template

NOTE: If you want your sales team to do manual outreach to direct leads (price quote/demo), the best time to do so is here ideally 24-hours after email #1 went out so that enough time has passed that they aren't getting hit with same day emails (Watch best practices video - 2 mins)

Email #2: Follow-up #1


3-days after email #1


This is the email that you will automatically send to leads who don't respond to first email within 3-days


  • Build Urgency. The lead didn't respond to your first email so it means they were either busy or need more convincing, the purpose of this email is to build that urgency

  • Establish Credibility. Reference notable clients that you work and example outcomes/results to build trust, credibility and FOMO

  • Leverage Social Proof. Leverage your HTR Success Stories to further align yourself as a leader on HTR and showcase results of clients in a way that is verified by a third party

Example Template

Email #3: Follow-up #2


7-days after email #1


This is the email that you will automatically send to leads who don't respond to the initial outreach or 3-day followup emails within 7-days


  • Shift Your Approach, Challenge the Lead. The lead isn't replying to your followup to their inquiry or to your followup with social proof so you want to try a different tactic, we recommend a challenger approach (or as Mystery the pickup artist likes to call it...the "neg")

  • Keep Context in Mind. Its possible they got busy and forgot, found another vendor, de-prioritized the initiative internally or just changed their mind so your job is to get them to realize that this actually should be a top priority for them

  • Sell through the Finish Line. Sell through the finish line to re-engage...reiterate your core value props and why hotels love working with you to use as hooks to get them to get them to re-engage and prioritize the initiative

  • Subtle Guilt to Get them to Reply. Lay subtle guilt that they are the ones that reached out to you and you are being helpful and they are not replying

Example Template

Email #4: Follow-up #3


30-days after email #1


This is the email that you will automatically send to leads who don't respond to any of the first 3-emails in the sequence after 30-days to try to re-engage them and see if its a better time to connect


  • Re-engage interested hoteliers. This email is to catch leads who may have just gotten busy and meant to reply but kept pushing it off

  • Show persistence & care. The purpose is to re-engage them with your brand and show them that you are persistent (in a helpful way) so that if they are interested they'll be appreciative and if they're not, they'll reply and tell you that they're no longer interested

  • Short & sweet. This email is targeted at busy hoteliers who meant to reply but didn't get around to it so it's important to be succinct so they can skim it and get the key points.

  • Educational. You are trying to get the lead to re-prioritize this initiative in their mind relative to their busy schedule with other initiatives and tasks so we strongly recommend including value add educational content from your own blog.

Example Template

Matched Leads: Nurture Sequence Tips & Examples

Email #1: Initial Outreach


When a new lead comes in via HTR that takes the recommendations quiz in one of your categories and your product surfaces as a potential match that your team accepts the lead for (either manually or via Instant Connect)


This is the first outreach email that is sent to matched leads when they get accepted on HTR and dropped into your nurture sequence. If you haven't already we recommend checking out the Matched Lead Followup Guide.


  • Distinctly Different Messaging from Direct Leads. This email is absolutely critical for you to approach differently than the first email to direct leads since matched leads have opted to connect with top matches but have not explicitly requested anything from your company (and in many cases they may not even be familiar with your company) so its critical to add context

  • Be Helpful: Offer guidance and advice to establish yourself as a thought leader

  • Don't Be Aggressive: Nobody likes an aggressive sales person and this is likely to turn buyers off. First build rapport by being helpful in offering your advice, the time to sell will present itself organically

  • Leverage Social Proof: You have awesome reviews on your HTR profiles so now is the time to leverage them! Build rapport by highlighting that you were a top match and directing them to your profile to see reviews from hoteliers in their region and segment.

  • Use document tracking: Embed a lead magnet using a tool like DocSend that enables you to see how engaged leads are

Example Template

NOTE: If you want your sales team to do manual outreach to direct leads (price quote/demo), the best time to do so is here ideally 24-hours after email #1 went out so that enough time has passed that they aren't getting hit with same day emails (Watch best practices video - 2 mins)

Email #2: Follow-up #1


3-days after email #1


This is the email that you will automatically send to leads who don't respond to first email within 3-days


  • Build Urgency. The lead didn't respond to your first email so it means they were either busy or need more convincing, the purpose of this email is to build that urgency

  • Establish Credibility. Reference notable clients that you work and example outcomes/results to build trust, credibility and FOMO

  • Leverage Social Proof. Leverage your HTR Success Stories to further align yourself as a leader on HTR and showcase results of clients in a way that is verified by a third party

Example Template

Email #3: Follow-up #2


7-days after email #1


This is the email that you will automatically send to leads who don't respond to the initial outreach or 3-day followup emails within 7-days


  • Shift Your Approach, Challenge the Lead. The lead isn't replying to your followup to their inquiry or to your followup with social proof so you want to try a different tactic, we recommend a challenger approach (or as Mystery the pickup artist likes to call it...the "neg")

  • Keep Context in Mind. Its possible they got busy and forgot, found another vendor, de-prioritized the initiative internally or just changed their mind so your job is to get them to realize that this actually should be a top priority for them

  • Sell through the Finish Line. Sell through the finish line to re-engage...reiterate your core value props and why hotels love working with you to use as hooks to get them to get them to re-engage and prioritize the initiative

  • Subtle Guilt to Get them to Reply. Lay subtle guilt that they are the ones that reached out to you and you are being helpful and they are not replying

Example Template

Email #4: Follow-up #3


30-days after email #1


This is the email that you will automatically send to leads who don't respond to any of the first 3-emails in the sequence after 30-days to try to re-engage them and see if its a better time to connect


  • Re-engage interested hoteliers. This email is to catch leads who may have just gotten busy and meant to reply but kept pushing it off

  • Show persistence & care. The purpose is to re-engage them with your brand and show them that you are persistent (in a helpful way) so that if they are interested they'll be appreciative and if they're not, they'll reply and tell you that they're no longer interested

  • Short & sweet. This email is targeted at busy hoteliers who meant to reply but didn't get around to it so it's important to be succinct so they can skim it and get the key points.

  • Educational. You are trying to get the lead to re-prioritize this initiative in their mind relative to their busy schedule with other initiatives and tasks so we strongly recommend including value add educational content from your own blog.

Example Template

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